Successful Web Applications Start With Users. Always.

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Partner & CEO
Feb 18, 2016

As the leading Midwest web application firm, clients often mistake us for a design or technology agency. While it's true our user interface design, user experience and engineering teams are nationally recognized pioneers in their fields, we are passionate advocates for the user.

Every day we obsess over better, simpler, more natural and intuitive ways to solve user problems. This requires a purposeful and prioritized approach – People, Process, Technology.


First things first – who are we serving? What do they want and expect? How can we improve their day? How can we earn their loyalty? How can we be most useful? Nothing commands more importance than this. If you don't fully understand your users, you will fail every time.


What steps need to occur to support the kind of experience your users need and want? Can we reduce those steps? Can it be even simpler? Lack of process consideration often creates fatally unusable applications.


What tools and systems are needed to deliver the ideal process workflows for our identified users? What platforms make the most sense for the business? How will we handle that scale of data? How will we integrate with all the associated third party systems? What will provide seamless and elegant user experiences?

The truth is, a web product team could choose from a dozen different technologies to create the same successful user experience – but the converse is not true.

If you buy a tool first and start looking for problems to solve, you will find yourself in very deep and expensive trouble.

Technology itself does not solve problems – it creates them. Adding technology adds cost, complexity, support effort, points of failure and reduces flexibility. It should be used carefully, and only if absolutely necessary.

Users first. Always.

Put our users-first philosophy to work for you. Contact us for your next web project.

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