In the world of sales, it’s important to keep everything organized. What names to know, whose number to call, which topics to chat about. These sales points are different for every industry, meaning some management systems just can’t keep up.
Integrity recently launched a new marketing website for Sherpa, a new CRM tool designed for senior housing sales professionals. The Sherpa CRM operates on a unique model of sales called Prospect-Centered Selling. In short, it means that sales prospects are seen as real live individuals with families and stories to share; as opposed to just being names on a sales sheet. When the team realized the online sales tools they used didn’t fit in with this system of selling, they came to us to help create a solution.
While the CRM itself is still under construction, we launched the marketing website using the stages of Sherpa’s own sales process. The site assesses senior sales counselors’ “readiness for change” – are they willing to change from a system that doesn’t adequately fit their needs to one that does? Interested users can now request more information to find out if Sherpa will effectively guide their senior housing communities to success.
We’re happy to help Sherpa on its journey to change the way senior housing sales operates, and can’t wait to see what else is on the horizon!
At the end of the day, using AI comes down to finding a balance—leveraging for productivity without losing the skills that give our work depth and personality.